Crown 4-23/32"
Crown 4-23/32"
This 4-23/32" colonial crown mold measures 4.722" width by .812" thickness, permitting the use of four-quarter lumber for milling sprung (laying horizontally flat) on a commercial moulder. The traditional terminating detail contains a 15/32" vertical line segment on the top left. The fillet connects to a 1/4" tall by 31/64" perpendicular notch merged with a two tangent radius cyma recta in the center with a 23/64" cove flanked by a 1/4" vertical line segment above and an 11/32" flat line below. The fixed spring angles are set at
thirty-eight and
fifty-two degrees; these particular back bevels keep the face side of the profile parallel to the wall and ceiling when installed; they also lock in the positioned height at 3-1/32" tall with a projection of 3-5/8" across the top.
Proper tool balance is significant to your milling operation. Read how critical it is to have balanced knives, screws, and gibs in the cutter head. There is also information on the problems it can create if you neglect to focus on this simple task. Protect your current woodworking machinery; your clients will appreciate superior millwork and a disciplined manufacturing approach.
Moulding Knife Calculator
Grade of Steel
+ Custom Moulding Template
Total (Template + 2 Knives)
chrome coated 72rc face, best seller,
great tool life
Black Nitride
black nitride case hardened
72rc, medium size runs
chrome and diamond coated, longest
tool life
Note: If you’re experiencing trouble printing to Full Scale, Go to File,
Print Preview. Change the “Shrink to Fit” option to 100%
Right Cutter Head
Thickness: 1.625
Depth of Cut: 0.615
Left Cutter Head
Thickness: 1.625
Depth of Cut: 0.485
Top Cutter Head
Width: 4.718
Depth of Cut: 0.464
Bottom Cutter Head
Width: 0.000
Depth of Cut: 0.000
Grades of Steel
Price Per Cutter Head - Includes Template & Two Knives
chrome coated 72rc face, best seller
great tool life
Right Cutter Head:
Left Cutter Head:
Top Cutter Head:
Bottom Cutter Head:
Black Nitride
black nitride case hardened 72rc
medium size runs
Right Cutter Head:
Left Cutter Head:
Top Cutter Head:
Bottom Cutter Head:
chrome and diamond coated
longest tool life
Right Cutter Head:
Left Cutter Head:
Top Cutter Head:
Bottom Cutter Head:
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