Moulding Knives by Mirror Reflections

Custom Moulding Knives
by Mirror Reflections

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Cabinet Door Moulding 2-1/4" - 38

Cabinet Door Moulding 2-1/4" - 38

Cabinet Door Moulding 2-1/4" - 38

This creative drawer front molding 2-1/4" - 38, measures 2.250" width by .812" thickness, permitting the pattern to use four quarter lumber for milling on a commercial molder. The stunning detail contains a 1/8" rolled outer edge at a 9/16" thickness dimension on the top left. Connected to a 5-15/32" convex arc tangent to a 7/32" bowed semicircle in the center, merged with a 1/16" channel with a 5/16" full half-circle on the right side of the design. We also offer the matching drawer front of this pattern for your review and consideration, door rail 1.750"- 27.

Custom-made elegance is a phrase used to define the beauty, style, and artisanship of thousands of our molding designs. If you own a recently built house or older residence, we have the professional ability, knowledge, and experience to create and produce visually stunning details that will complement the architectural setting of your elegant home and office.

Utilize any of our user-friendly molding profiles, all professionally designed by an accomplished draftsman/toolmaker with over forty years experience in woodworking and a former Weinig molder/grinder field service technician. From just an idea in one's mind to reality in their home, our custom profiles reflect the creative style of your imagination; let us assist you in complementing the architectural decor of any room with any one or more of our attractive molding patterns.

For molding knife quoting purposes, click to open the calculator below; we supplied only the important measurements; please enter the appropriate dimension in the boxes provided. A brief detailed explanation on how to use the calculator is located here. If you would like some assistance with the dimensions, print a copy of our fraction - decimal - millimeter chart, place it on the machinery around the shop to help operators save time and increase accuracy during setup procedures.

Width = 2.250" / Depth of Cut = .502" (top cutters).

Note: If you’re experiencing trouble printing to Full Scale, Go to File, Print Preview. Change the “Shrink to Fit” option to 100%

To purchase this CAD generated, “template ready moulding dxf file” , please send $11.00 to PayPal.Me/MirrorReflections we will email you the precision drawing shortly after the payment is received.
© Copyright 1997 - 2025 Mirror Reflections Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Superior Quality Moulding Knives, Profile Templates & Tooling Since1997
Custom made in the USAMoulding Knives Made in the USA

Moulding Knives by Mirror Reflections

1588 South 250 East | Kaysville, Utah 84037

Phone/Fax: 801-451-5987 

Moulding Catalog Updated Tuesday, March 11, 2025

© Copyright 1997 - 2025 Mirror Reflections Inc. All Rights Reserved.