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Crown Moulding 7-3/8" - 5
Crown Moulding 7-3/8" - 5
This symmetrical cove-style crown moulding 7-3/8" - 5 measures 7.390" in width by 1.250" in thickness, requiring 7-11/16" wide blanks of six-quarter lumber for machining sprung (laying horizontally flat) on an industrial moulder. The bold terminating profile retains a 5-29/32" concave semicircle in the center. Both ends of the arc connect to a 1/4" by 1/8" perpendicular notch joined to a 3/8" cove with a 1/4" vertical & horizontal line segments on the design's upper left and lower right corners. The spring angles are at forty-five degrees; the dedicated back bevels keep the face sides of the pattern parallel to the wall and ceiling. These specific angle positions lock in the installed height at 5-7/32" tall with a 5-7/32" projection across the top.
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